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TR parts and Triumph parts, TR bits, Triumph Car Spares and accessories are available for TR2, TR3, TR3A, TR4, TR4A, TR5, TR6, TR7, TR8, Spitfire and Stag and other TR models are available from British car spares and parts company LBCarCo.

Triumph TR3 - TR3A shop manual

Please help me find a new or used shop manual. Thanks, Dave
David Dakken


It depends which manual you're seeking. The original, red TR shop manual can often be found on ebay in varying conditions, and it's a must. You can find a great one right now here:
You can also find this one "new" from some sellers, including

The next in your ar*enel might be the Haynes TR2,3,4 manual. Again, you can buy used copies on ebay, or you can buy it new on sale now from The Roadster Factory:

There are other helpful manuals, depending on whether you're restoring or just tuning up. I'm sure you'll hear from others on the list.

Happy reading!

Bill Stagg
1960 TR3A
Bill Stagg

This thread was discussed on 17/12/2004

Triumph TR3 index